Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Your wrong, my grammar is just fine!"

Besides the shocking amount of trolls roaming from forum to forum and getting their jollies on the internets, the other thing that never ceases to amaze me is people's inability to spell simple words and utilize elementary grammatical rules. I understand that spelling and grammar are not everyone's number one priority or strong suit, but every time I see someone write things like "Your totally right," I have to shake my head, sigh, and ask myself, "Don't people who consider themselves intelligent under normal circumstances want to appear that way on paper as well?" Or is the idea just to squirt out ideas as fast as possible onto the internet, no matter how mangled they are after their treacherous journey from the brain to the screen?

Maybe in this day and age I'm just a grammatical snob. Not that I'm above judgment either: it wasn't so long ago that my dad was getting on my case about using the word "literally" incorrectly. "Dad, I literally had a fit after I heard they were going out." Did I "literally" have a fit? No, I did not. Is that even a real life quote or example? Nope. The point is no one is perfect. Duh. The majority of us are also not brain surgeons or Stephen Hawking. But does it take so much effort to squeeze an apostrophe in once in awhile, or if you did manage to graduate high school, at least learn how to spell words that any 5th grader should know? I know, I'm so harsh, but it would greatly improve my reading pleasure.

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