Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Call You Don't Always Need to Take

Even though in DC it's illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving unless using a hands-free device, people still manage to evade the law and get those super important calls in while behind the wheel. Multiply that by a hundred when you cross the border into MD or VA where it appears no such law exists. As someone who gets distracted and sidetracked easily at times, I don't even answer my phone or look at texts while driving. What's the point? I'd most likely end up wrapped around a telephone pole, paying for damages to someone's precious vehicle, or squishing some unfortunate pedestrian--all thoughts worthy of reveling in, to be sure. This then prompts the question, what call or text is so urgent that one needs to answer or text back while driving, thus endangering everyone's lives around them, including their own? I've never seen anyone pull over to the side of the road to talk, although it's possible that once in a great while it happens. It's just hard to fathom what groundbreaking news, what pressing emergency, what urgent catastrophe would urge people to be so careless and lower the quality of their driving so significantly. Excuses abound, including, "Well I happen to be multi-talented," or "I've never gotten into an accident in my life." Right, you haven't--yet. But why run that risk? Cars can turn into deadly weapons in the blink of an eye, the turn of a key, or that first step into the street.

Since the golden age of technology, an increasing number of people feel the need to be in instant, and often constant, contact with their family, friends, business associates, and perhaps even strangers. For the benefit of society, it would behoove people to be a bit more patient and relaxed when it comes to their cell phone (and probably in general!). Although it seems like a novel concept at times, the world will not, in fact, end because of a missed call or text. Who woulda thunk it?

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