Monday, May 17, 2010

Don't Look Behind You! Oh, It's Just Your Past...

For some reason, lately a lot of my "Facebook friends" (and I use the term "friend" here loosely) have been posting advice, quotes, and the like detailing the importance of not looking behind you (presumably referring to your past, not the creepy guy standing behind you) when entering a new relationship. There are merits to this type of advice, as well as huge errors, in my book.

True, past bad experiences of the romantic persuasion can distract someone who's starting afresh with a new beau. Just because Person A was a dud in terms of compatibility doesn't necessarily mean that Person B will be. Paranoia and scars from the past can come back to haunt you in your current relationship and kill even the most promising of fledgling courtships.

Be that as it may, wouldn't it be silly to ignore vital information and experiences acquired through painful past experiences? Sometimes a bit of healthy skepticism or distance can give one the mental and emotional space to calmly analyze one's current romantic situation. Past experiences also provide clues or information that one may recognize more quickly in the present than if one had not experienced a particular pitfall in one's own life.

To summarize, as interpreted by Frankenstein: emotional baggage, baaad. Thoughtful analysis of past experiences leading to heightened awareness and understanding, goood.

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