Sunday, May 2, 2010

Oil Here, Oil There, Oil Everywhere

After reading the initial reports on the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, now all I can bear is a brief glance at the headlines, if that. To say that this latest leakage of oil into the ocean waters is a catastrophe would be an understatement. I can't even bear to think what kind of disastrous effect this will have on the marine life and the entire ecosystem in the Gulf, and that's not even taking into account the livelihoods that are in jeopardy in Louisiana and elsewhere.

Will someone be held accountable for this event? I certainly hope so. But a better question is whether this oil spill could have been avoided. I should think so. Not only is BP responsible for this absolute environmental mess, but I would also ask what you've done to lower your dependence on oil.

While big companies must take the fall for these blows to the environment and by extension to ourselves, what's just as important is for every individual to scrutinize his or her own habits and become aware of how our choices and actions affect the place we call home. For example, why not make more of an effort with recycling? Why not leave the car at home whenever possible? Why not start composting? Why not take care in what animal products you buy and what the practices are of the companies you support? Why not take an interest in the conservation and "green" movement that's sweeping across many countries, but perhaps not quickly enough? Finally, why leave it up to big oil companies to make the decisions about the fate of the planet? We need to wake up and make those decisions ourselves. Ultimately the planet's best interests are our best interests.

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