Saturday, June 26, 2010

Innate skill vs. Passion

Which is better/worse: possessing a talent for an activity that doesn't interest you, or being passionate about something at which you don't excel?

I wonder how often people settle for an occupation or career that doesn't exactly make them jump out of bed in the morning, sing in the shower and whistle while they work, simply because they happen to be good at it. On the flipside, how many folks wish with all their heart that they could do what they love, only to find that they don't do it all that well? I think in general people work with the skills they've been given, and I hope that more often than not their interests intersect with their abilities.

This makes me wonder: in elementary school and high school, are people encouraged to devote time and energy toward developing the strengths they already have, or work harder on improving their weaknesses? It's important to have a well-rounded intellect and exposure to a variety of academic disciplines, but it's also necessary to know where your own gifts lie and how best to utilize them. Do you know what your best skills are, and are you using them in some way, even if outside of your current occupation? It's important to keep in mind that a job is just one of many ways to do what really makes you tick.

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