Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Really, Arizona?

I still can't quite get over the new immigration bill recently signed in Arizona. Talk about two steps forward, five steps backward for this country. I enjoyed reading about Sen. McCain's lack of a backbone in his support of the law and quest for reelection. I also marvel at Gov. Brewer's blind faith, stating that “we have to trust our law enforcement.” Interesting. If you're trying to pass a law that essentially targets Hispanic immigrants over all others, at the end of the day how exactly do you plan on avoiding racial profiling, dear Gov. Brewer? Will you be stopping people indiscriminately of all races and backgrounds on the street, seeing as how technically anyone could look like an "immigrant"? And if not, there must be a reason why; for instance, because presumably the largest immigrant population in Arizona is Hispanic. Which then leads to the question of how to target "suspected illegal aliens." How else except for appearance, your biggest possible clue or "probable cause"? And does this not lead us to the appropriately coined term "racial profiling"? As my friend pointed out, profiling could even extend to what people are wearing--there's a very good chance there won't be cops clawing at your documents if you're dressed in a suit instead of work clothes or jeans. At any rate, fear not Australian, German, French, British, etc. immigrants in Arizona. This law wasn't written with you in mind.

I can only hope that Obama and the courts take a good look at this bill and tear it apart until there's not even a scrap of paper left to write on.

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