Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel

We have a little family of squirrels that live in the tree in front of our apartment. Sometimes we see their little heads pop out of the hole that is their house. We still can't figure out whether it's just a squirrel couple or if they have any offspring tearing around the hole yet.

Yesterday we saw the two adults fully dedicated to the task of biting off tiny branches and carrying the bright green leaves back to the homestead. We speculated about the purpose of this endeavor. Was it to store the leaves in their home to have a moist, comfortable place to live next winter? Were they doing some interior decorating? Are they readying their home for the coming of Baby Squirrel? Perhaps they're leaf collectors, or even hoarders! Maybe their landlord The Tree has done them wrong and they're stickin' it to The Man, one itty bitty branch at a time.

Whatever they were doing, they only paused every so often to vigilantly watch the dogs passing by underneath them. Oh, to have that kind of work ethic...

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