Saturday, April 17, 2010

ANOTHER blog on the Internets, you say?

I know, I know, there are already enough blogs out there in the blogosphere to last us many lifetimes. What makes this one different?

1.) At least for the time being, this blog is a bit of an experiment. Being a psych major, I'm always fascinated by how the mind works. From what I've read, people have between 12,000 and 65,000 thoughts per day. Now we get to the juicy part: how many of those thoughts are repetitive or stale? How many are original? Funny? Boring? Intriguing? Offensive? Pointless? Sad? Beautiful? I could go on forever (but I won't). In part, this blog is to: a) provide insight into one person's mind, however labyrinthine or dull it may be, b) highlight common or unusual thought patterns that may emerge over time, c) provide a location to deposit some of the random things knocking around my brain, i.e. save me time and money by not having to visit a shrink, d) maybe even entertain you a bit.

2.) Although I'd love to say this blog is completely altruistic and purely dedicated to scientific inquiry and your enjoyment, I, too, will be getting something out of it. I've been meaning to flex the old writing muscles for some time, and it would seem that time is now. Writing is something that has always been fun and intellectually stimulating for me, and in my book, every excuse to write is a good one.

Two caveats about this blog: since things sometimes tend to "come up" in life, entries may be posted retroactively from time to time. C'est la vie! Second, once in awhile posts may contain more than one thought depending on how the day went, but always at least one. Now what exactly constitutes "a thought"? According to The American Heritage Dictionary, a thought is:

-The act or process of thinking; cogitation.
-A product of thinking (see idea)
-The faculty of thinking or reasoning.
-Consideration; attention.
-The intellectual activity or production of a particular time or group.
-Expectation or conception.
-Intention; purpose.

Good news: looks like I've got a lot of leeway here!

Now, for the final thought of the day: It's never too late to do what you really love.

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