Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Different Kind of Memory

Have you ever had dreams that were so vivid, they made a permanent imprint on your brain? Do you have dreams that become integrated into your memory, as if you had really lived them?

One of my great-aunts had a dream in which her husband was not quite "behaving himself." I suppose the dream was extremely realistic because the following morning my great-aunt proceeded to sock my great-uncle on the arm. I'm sure he was left scratching his head about what he had done to deserve such punishment.

I had a similar dream last night in which my own husband snubbed me to spend a day with Shakira. When I woke up he asked me why I was in such a bad mood and when I told him, he couldn't help laughing at my ridiculous reason for being so cranky.

Although this most recent dream was of the more scandalous persuasion, other dreams that have stuck with me over time have been more benign. One involved climbing down a lush tree with stairs that wrapped around the trunk like a spiral staircase. The tree had rooms inside its trunk which I saw in passing from the outside as I descended. Then I found myself in either a Brazilian or African town with dry brown earth and a market in which I found myself among people with coffee-colored skin milling around in the marketplace and playing soccer.

This dream "clip" and its imagery, in addition to the feeling of adventure and joy that I had as I climbed down the tree stairs, have stayed with me for a long time. I imagine this dream floating in between the file cabinets in my brain labeled "Dreams" and "Memories" because it's really both. In composition it's a dream and as far as I know it never happened (unless it occurred in another reality!), but all the same I still consider it a fond memory.

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